Tour Down Under in Darwin

Ever wanted an affordable, exciting and all round cricket adventure? Do you need a winter escape to the warmer weather? Well here is your opportunity!

Team up with the current Guinness World Record holder Jade Child who batted for an astonishing 25 continuous hours in the cricket nets. You will be competing against teams from around the globe, but first stop on the whirl wind tour will be Darwin.

Current Proposed Tour Date

June – August 2014

9 Day Tour of Darwin, consisting of 5 cricket games against local teams.

Tour Includes:

GCC Shirt and Hat                   Ball Fees

Accommodation                      Breakfast

5. Games                                   Bus

Flights are NOT included.

We are looking for all ages and sporting abilities. As long as you have a passion for cricket and adventure then this is for you.

Projected Tour Plan: (Subject to change)

Day 1. Meet at Hotel, drinks and bonding.

Day 2. Net session and game plan. Afternoon free.

Day 3. Two games of 20/20

Day 4. One day game.

Day 5. Day off (Local sightseeing or activities) up to you!

Day 6. One day game.

Day 7. One day game.

Day 8. Day off. Drinks and Dinner,

Day 9. Home bound.

Cost for this amazing opportunity will be Approximately $2,000.